Sunday, September 22, 2013

Journeying with the Word in Mbale, Uganda


Here is more of the journey that we are all on together - whether you were with us physically or in spirit... It is the Heart of Christ and His Love for all of us on the road together to build His Kingdom... Thank you for sharing in this journey.  It is a gift and blessing in so many ways...
The Team's first day at St. Austin's Parish in Mbale, Uganda.   Images include the Teams arrival in Mbale,  meeting Father Timothy, the pastor of St Austin's, the set-up for the Mission, the Entrustment of the Mission to Our Blessed Mother, and the close of the day with Exposition and Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament which went on all-night. 

Journeying with the Word... Jesus Christ, Our Lord and Savior!
Thank you God...
       Thank you Mother Mary...

Here is the link to the slideshow:


Tuesday, September 17, 2013

Entrusting the Missions in Mombasa and Uganda to Our Blessed Mother


I am working on a video/slide show of the Entrustment of the Missions to Our Blessed Mother.  As I continue to prepare them for your upcoming viewing, I thought that I might show a couple of special shots of those taken in Mombasa and some in Uganda for your perusal...


Regina, a friend that came to the Mombasa Mission that was also at the Nairobi Mission last year, with Giannine

Pilgrims at the Mombasa Mission - the pilgrims in red traveled to the Mombasa Mission from Tanzania

Mombasa Entrustment of the Mission to Our Blessed Mother


Uganda - Entrustment of the Mission to Our Blessed Mother

Thank you for your continued prayers, support and encouragement for spreading the Love of Jesus through the Enthronements of the Sacred Heart of Jesus



Monday, September 9, 2013

Will you Come and Follow Me ...


Lisa, Theresa, Judi and Giannine are back from leading two Missions of the Enthronement of the Sacred Heart of Jesus, one in Mombasa, Kenya and the other in Mbale,Uganda.  From talking with them and seeing the joy of the Holy Spirit as they share what God did, there is no doubt that both Missions were wonderful, amazing experiences - not only for them but for the hundreds that attended.

 They shared that all of the equipment worked as it should, which was a huge answer to prayer, however, the Team had to surrender much to Jesus as unforeseen occurrences happened when they least expected them to.  

As they said: “God is in the interruptions!”  Flexibility, patience, perseverance and TRUST were required by each and as Lisa so aptly stated: "We kept surrendering ALL to God and ALL was good; better than what was planned!"  

The theme for the two weeks became “Let it go!”  followed by a smile and a laugh because they knew that God had better plans!!! 

Thank you for your prayers, love, and support for the Team as well as this Apostolate.

                       Sacred Heart of Jesus, pray for us...

Rosa Mystica, pray for us...

St. Joseph, pray for us...

Monday, September 2, 2013

First Glimpse of the Enthronement Mission in Uganda! God is good!


Dear Friends, 

This morning I received a precious and wonderful gift that brought tears to my eyes as soon as I opened the mail on my computer.  Father Oliver Tambo, a priest serving at the Cathedral in Nairobi, Kenya, assisted the Enthronement Team while they were leading the Enthronement Mission to the Sacred Heart of Jesus in Uganda.  He was kind enough to send me a screen shot from his tablet of one of the pictures that he took while assisting at the Mission:

The first thing that I noticed was Lisa (with the red shirt) standing in the midst of all of those people!  All of those people!  Too many to count! Then I noticed Judi sitting in the front row with the grey colored shirt on (if you click on the picture, it will enlarge in size on your screen so that you can see it better).

God is good!  All the time!

Please remember Lisa, Theresa, Judi and Giannine in your prayers today as they begin the long trip home.  Please also remember Father William, Pamella and all of the pilgrims that are returning home after the Mission in Uganda.

Thank you so much for your prayers!!  They are so very much needed and appreciated!

Love to All, 


Sunday, September 1, 2013

Remembering the Safari in Lake Nakuru 2012 and Continued Prayers for the Team Now in Uganda


Last September after our first week in Nairobi, we were able to go on safari in Lake Nakuru and spend the night in Flamingo Camp.  It was a special time and their was only one thing missing -  Theresa.  Theresa traveled home after spending one week with us and she was sorely missed for that second week.  

I am hopeful, however, that she was able to go on safari with the team this past week.  While traveling from Mombasa to Uganda, the team planned to spend one night in Tsavo National Park.

Today is the Team's last day in Uganda.  They will have celebrated the Enthronement Mass already today and then the Enthronement ceremonies of the Sacred Heart of Jesus to various institutions around Uganda.  It is a long day - but it is the highlight of the Mission and the main reason for the pilgrimage for all. 

Please continue to remember Lisa, Theresa, Judi, Giannine, Pamella, and Father William your prayers today, for all of the Enthronement Ceremonies as well as their travel tomorrow.  And please also pray for those that were present at the Mission and Enthronement Ceremonies.

As we often heard throughout our travels last year and I am sure that it is the resounding theme of the Team's travel this year:

God is Good!!!!  All the Time!!!

As always, thank you for your committed prayers, love and support for this Apostolate.

Sacred Heart of Jesus, Have Mercy on Us...
     Immaculate Heart of Mary, Pray for Us...

          St. Joseph, pray for us...

Please note, A video of our safari from last year has been published our blog on a separate post labeled:  Safari!  Lake Nakuru September 2012
(It should follow this post)


Safari! Lake Nakuru, September 2012