Wednesday, January 29, 2014

World Congress of the Enthronement of the Sacred Heart of Jesus October 2014

Greetings in the Heart of Jesus!

If you haven't heard about the Heart of Jesus, He desires to lead your family to peace and safety, regardless of its size or the condition it is in.

"Homeland security" is not just for our country but for your family and church so come and learn about “enthroning” (dedicating) your family, school, community, business and nation to His heart and living under the shelter of his mercy and grace.

Did you know?

One of the promises made by the Sacred Heart to St. Margaret Mary is that "the apostles of the Sacred Heart will draw down special blessings on their native land and on their families...What happiness for those who contribute to making the adorable Heart of Jesus known, loved and glorified. By that means they will secure a powerful protector for their native land." 

More on the upcoming Sacred Heart World Congress:

The 1st Sacred Heart World Congress...
was hosted by the Sacred Heart Apostolate in Paray-le-Monial, France in October 2011.

This 2nd Sacred Heart World Congress
will be held at the HOTEL IRVINE Jamboree Center (formerly the Hyatt Regency) IN IRVINE, CALIFORNIA OCTOBER 2-5, 2014.

The event is sponsored by the Sacred Heart Apostolate. All will be welcomed by Bishop Kevin Vann of the Diocese of Orange in California.

This is the plan to create a new fire of love throughout the world....bringing forth the "Fire of Divine Love." 

Please click on the following link to discover more about the World Congress as well as the Enthronement of the Sacred Heart of Jesus Apostolate:

Saturday, January 18, 2014

And More Pictures to Share of Pamela's Visit!


Yesterday, Pamela and Lisa drove up to visit Father William in Kingsport, TN, at St. Dominic's Parish.  Here are some pictures of their visit:

Father William, Pamela and Father Mike Nolan

This morning, Lisa and Pamela were able to meet with Peggy Humphreys for some breakfast:

Immediately following their breakfast, I was FINALLY able to meet with Lisa and Pamela in the parking lot of a Walgreens.  I have been sick since Pamela arrived in Knoxville and this was the first time that I was able to greet her.  And it was wonderful!!!

I was able to give Pamela a small stack of the holy cards (we are holding them up) to bring back with her to Nairobi to hand out to those that would like one.   The cards are of St. Ignatius of Loyola and St. Aloysius Gonzaga as they adore the Sacred Heart of Jesus.  We gave these cards out to our friends and family in Knoxville that attended our sharing evenings.  

Today, Lisa and Giannine and Judi are headed up to the Smokey Mountains with Pamela.  Tomorrow, Judi has graciously offered to host an open house for all of us to come and spend time with Pamela.

God is very good!  All the time!

Here is a snap of the back of the holy card:

Friday, January 17, 2014

More Pictures of Pamela's Visit!


Here are more pictures of Pamela's visit in Knoxville:

Thursday, January 16th, 2014

Pamela, Judi, and Theresa at the Thursday evening Holy Hour of Adoration
in front of the Blessed Sacrament at Sacred Heart Cathedral, Knoxville

Pamela, Theresa, Giannine, Lisa and Judi in front of the Altar at Sacred Heart Cathedral

Theresa, Pamela and Giannine  - dinner at Aubrey's!

Maryann Briggs, Giannine, Judi, Val Dee (Back Row)
Theresa, Pamela and Lisa (Front Row)
 at Sacred Heart Cathedral

Although I have been sick and I was unable to join them, I know that

A good time was had by all!  

January 15th, 2014

Pamela and Pastor Clark, of True Vine Baptist Church, at the prayer vigil in front of Planned Parenthood on Cherry Street, Knoxville TN

Here is the sign that Lisa will be carrying in the March to Life next week:

More pictures of Pamela's visit with us are to follow…

Thursday, January 16, 2014

Pamela, Our Enthronement Team Member from Nairobi, Visits Us In Knoxville!!!!!


Pamela, our wonderful friend and sister Enthronement of the Sacred Heart of Jesus Team-mate, has come to Knoxville to visit us!

Pamela's son has been attending college in Boston and she came to the United States at the very end of December to attend his graduation.  It is tremendous that she was able to come all the way from Boston down to Knoxville to visit with us.

Here are some pictures taken shortly after her arrival:

Judi and Pamella at Lisa's

Lisa and Pamella at a local grocery store

Lisa and Pamella at Lisa's home

We are all very happy and blessed to see Pamela once again and in Knoxville!

More pictures to follow….

Monday, January 13, 2014

March for Life 2014 - Prayer and Supprt for Lisa, Team Leader of our Enthronement of the Sacred Heart of Jesus Team


Lisa Morris, our Team Leader, will be traveling to Washington DC for the March For Life on January 22, 2014. 

Lisa will represent the Culture of Life Africa as their DC Coordinator as outlined below in an excerpt taken from their website

Culture of Life Africa joins in the March for Life USA

We are so excited to announce that Culture of Life Africa will be well represented at both the upcoming March for Life Washington DC on January 22nd as well as the Walk for Life San Francisco on January 23rd. 

If you would want to join us to give a stronger voice to the protection of the African people especially the unborn babies of Africa or you would want to help us explain to the public about the far reaching toxic effects of the  federally fueled and funded Culture of Abortion in America and it's direct impact on Africa or you would want to help us raise awareness of the various nefarious projects in Africa funded by American tax-dollars, we would be very glad and grateful to welcome you!
Please email us so that we can connect you to the wonderful women who will be coordinating and carrying the Culture of Life Africa banners and African pro-life brochures. 

Our Coordinators: 

For March for Life Washington DC is Lisa Morris

For Walk for Life San Francisco is Claire Obenson

We have also confirmed that our March for Life DC coordinator Lisa Morris, will be interviewed for EWTN TV by EWTN host and dear friend to Culture of Life Africa- Teresa Tomeo. 
This will be a perfect opportunity  for us to witness to the real challenges that Africa is facing at this time when the Culture of Death is being powerfully propagated throughout the world by morally depraved (mostly western) social engineers who unfortunately are highly placed leaders, policy makers and philanthropists. 

Please contact us by email ( and come with us as we march and walk courageously for the sanctity of human life. 

Many thanks! 

Lisa has requested specific prayers for her interview:

…that her word's may truly be God's words as spoken through His Heart to really get the message across about what's going on in Africa in the fight to preserve the Culture of Life.  

...That she is articulate and understandable and that it touches people's hearts in such a way that they will be led to pray.  And through their prayer they will spread the awareness and take the action that God is asking of them…

Many Thanks for your prayers and support of the March!