It is with great joy and much gratitude that I write to you to share the good news of three upcoming Missions to Africa: two which are Pro-Life Conferences and one which is an Enthronement of the Sacred Heart of Jesus Mission.
By the grace of God, we have been able to travel to Kenya and Uganda over the past several years, presenting the Enthronement Missions under the spiritual leadership of Father William Oruko, Apostles of Jesus Priest from Kenya, now stationed in the Diocese of Knoxville.
The simple message of the Enthronement is taking the love you have for Jesus, and publicly proclaiming Him as “King of your family or school, vocation” etc… It is a one step further in the love one has for Jesus and in the context of a beautiful ceremony, He is publicly proclaimed as “King!” The Enthronement brings countless blessings!
It is the “Social Reign of Jesus in the Market Place”… He desires for all of us to be His instruments to bring His Light, Love and Mercy into all aspects of our society…Transforming our world into a “Civilization of Love and Life”. Thus the Enthronement brings about change in our world.
When giving the Enthronement Mission we always incorporate the Pro-Life message because they are so connected…the social reign of Jesus in the market place, taking the message of the dignity of every human life into the world…making a difference right where God has placed us.
A direct fruit of last year’s Enthronement Mission is the 5 day Pro-Life Youth Conference that we will be presenting this June 12 -16 in Uganda. One of the young people who had come to the Enthronement Mission last year, asked if we could come back and give a Pro-Life Conference to the youth….God’s grace for sure and a direct result and fruit of the Enthronement Mission!
The first part of the journey
...will be the “International Family and Pro-Life Conference”, organized by the Catholic Secretariat of Nigeria…”Witnessing to the dignity of every human Life” from June 5th- June 8th.
I will be traveling to Abuja, Nigeria, and by the grace of God, I was asked to be a speaker at the International Pro-Life Conference Abuja.
I have been working with Obianuju Ekeocha….who is the founder of the Culture of Life Africa ( )
Obianuju is a Nigerian woman, who lives in London and has spoken on EWTN and on the BBC recently about all that is going on in Africa and the need to raise awareness of the dangers of the demise of the family in Africa through contraception, abortion and homosexual marriage. Uju, as she is called, was recently at the UN conference in Washington, D.C. and has appeared on EWTN Live with Father Mitch Pacwa about this upcoming Nigerian Pro-Life Conference.
The second part of the journey...
Following my stay in Nigeria, I will connect with a couple of members of the team in Tororo, Uganda, and together we will present a five day Pro-Life Youth Conference, June 12- 16,
Organized by “Light for Community Concerns Uganda” (LCC-Uganda).
The Third part of the journey...
Last year while we were in Mombasa, Kenya, we received an invitation to present the Enthronement Mission this year in Moshi, Tanzania, on the Feast of the Sacred Heart of Jesus and we will be traveling there to present the Enthronement Mission June 26 – June 29.
Like many nations, Africa is under attack from the western moral decay and from the big money of international organizations, such as International Planned Parenthood. International Planned Parenthood is trying to push their agenda of contraceptives, abortion and homosexual marriage on a culture who does not want it. God is raising up strong Bishops, priests and lay leaders in Africa and here in the US, to help fight to preserve what they have in the family, which is so beautiful. It is easier to prevent something from coming in than to try and undo it once it is entrenched, as we have learned from 40 plus years of Roe vs. Wade.
I know that the light of Christ is making visible and clear the way Africa is to go, and I pray they be given the continued courage, and fortitude, and help from all of us to not go down the road so many western nations have chosen, which only leads to heartache of body and soul.
Please find below the schedule for Uganda, as well as our day to day itinerary in hopes of prayer for these Missions.
As we approach this journey of faith to serve Our Lord and His people in Nigeria, Uganda and Tanzania, I am forever grateful to God for all the prayers and support and the opportunity to serve God with all of you,…we are all one in the spirit and united in His Heart as we go forth to spread His Light and His Love and Mercy and Truth to all we meet.
It is a blessing to be on the road with all of you…God has us all in this together and it is the power of prayer that will change our world to be a “Civilization of Love” one heart at a time…
Please feel free to pass this along to friends and family for prayers…as we are all God’s children, all doing His work, from wherever He has placed us.
We are in “good hands”….His Hands and Our Lady’s mantle of protection…
Those traveling this year are Giannine Morris and Judi Pedas. Serving as our coordinator on the African side is Pamela Angawa, and I know that I speak for them in thanking all of you from our hearts for your prayers…
Lots of Love in the Hearts of Jesus and Mary,
Lisa Morris
Itiniary for the Mission/Pilgrimage
Nigeria/Uganda/Tanzania… Mission/Pilgrimage
June 1 – July 2, 2014
June 1 – Depart for Nigeria (Lisa to meet Uju for International Family and Pro-Life Conference, organized by the Catholic Secretariat of Nigeria…”Witnessing to the dignity of every human Life”
June 2 – Arrive Abuja (met by Uju and team)
June 3 – meetings and help set up (Feast of St. Charles Lwanga and the Ugandan Martyrs)
June 4 - meetings and help set up for Pro-Life Conference
June 5 – Nigerian Bishop’s Pro-Life Conference begins (St. Boniface)
June 6 – Nigerian Bishop’s Pro-Life Conference (First Friday and Feast of St. Norbert)
June 7 - Nigerian Bishop’s Pro-Life Conference (First Saturday)
June 8 – Conclusion of Pro-Life Conference …We are sent! (Pentecost)
June 9 – help with what needs to be done (St. Ephrem)
June 10 – depart Abujua, Nigeria to Entebbe Uganda (1:40pm)
June 11 – Arrive in Entebbe Airport 12:55am (met by Lawrence and team)
Pick up Giannine at Entebbe Airport 1:05pm (St. Barnabas, Apostle)
June 12 – Uganda Pro-Life Youth Conference (see schedule from Lawrence)
June 13 - Uganda Pro-Life Youth Conference (St. Anthony of Padua) Pamela arrives
June 14 - Uganda Pro-Life Youth Conference (Blessed Virgin Mary Birthday Mass)
June 15 - Uganda Pro-Life Youth Conference (The Most Holy Trinity)
June 16 - Uganda Pro-Life Youth Conference
June 17 – Meeting in Torroro with Bishop Obbo,AJ about future Sacred Heart Mission
June 18 - Day trip to visit Father Timothy Parish, Our Lady of the Assumption
June 19 – Drive to Namugongo, Uganda (St. Romuald)
(overnight at the Convent at the Shrine of the Uganda Martyrs)
June 20 – Visit Shrine… drive to Kampala (overnight at Apostles of Jesus Center)
June 21 – Depart Entebbe Airport (5:00am) to Kilimanjaro (arrive 10:05am)
Met by Tanzania team….Pick up Judi at Kilimanjaro Airport 7:45pm
(St. Aloysius Gonzaga)
June 22 – Mass (Feast of The Most Holy Body and Blood of Christ)
June 23 – Visit Tarangire National Park
June 24 – Meet with Father Damian and team/Diocese Visits (The Nativity of John the Baptist)
June 25 – Visit local sites…Meetings/Rest and Preparation
June 26 – Enthronement Mission Begins
June 27 – Enthronement Mission (Feast of The Most Sacred Heart of Jesus)
June 28 – Enthronement Mission (The Immaculate Heart of the Blessed Virgin) Mary)
June 29 – Enthronement Ceremony and Mass) (Feast of St. Peter and Paul, Apostles)
June 30 – Visits coordinated by Tanzania Team
(The First Martyrs of the Holy Roman Church)
July 1 – Depart for USA (Blessed Junipero Serra)
July 2 – Arrive Home
Grateful to God for all His Works…
and Thanking Him and Mother Mary for the opportunity to Serve