Sunday, November 11, 2012

Letting the Work Be His...Enthroning our Vocation to the Sacred Heart of Jesus


While I was preparing to write this blog entry, I looked at the name of the blog itself and realized that it could include one more word in the title:  vocation.  Let the Work Be His...Enthroning our Hearts, Homes, Families, Vocations, and the World to the Sacred Heart of Jesus...

Lisa and I had the grace-filled and wonderful opportunity to be present at a ceremony Enthroning Jesus as King and Lord of Food Connection Donation.

Food Donation Connection, which is a thriving, well-established business located in Knoxville, is based more on a vision of vocation rather than one of simply earning a profit to make a living.

Bill and Sue Reighard heard and answered the call years ago to begin this business based on a scripture verse taken from the Gospel of John Chapter 6:12   “And when they had eaten their fill, he told his disciples, ‘Gather up the fragments left over, that nothing may be lost.’"

Food Donation Connection  "...provides an alternative to discarding surplus wholesome food by linking food service donors with surplus food to local hunger relief agencies. We do this by creating and maintaining an efficient communication and reporting network that links available sources of food to those in need through these existing charitable organizations..."  (taken from the company website: )

Bill and Sue continued in that journey of faith last weekend when they publicly proclaimed in a ceremony Enthroning Jesus as the Head of their business and as the King and Friend of their vocation as business leaders.  With family and friends present, it was a precious gift from above.

Others too, have Enthroned Jesus over their vocations: Doctors, Teachers, various offices within the Diocese of Knoxville,  and even Scout Leaders just to name a few.

It was such an honor to be a part of this historic time as Bill and Sue proclaimed Jesus as King over their business and their vocation.  May their example inspire others to do the same…

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