I was taking my shower this morning and thinking about where the Enthronement Team (Lisa, Theresa, Judi, and Giannine) was right then. I knew that if all went well with their flights, they should have arrived in Mombasa at 10:20 last night (our time); 5:20 am Mombasa time. In leaving the airport, they would have to purchase an exit visa for each of them and then go through customs. Father William and Pamella should be waiting for them just outside of the customs area and then they would work their way over to the baggage claim area to get all of those bags. All this after traveling approximately 36 hours...
It is hard to know, really, where they are and if they were able to get to Mombasa as planned. None of them will be using their phones and they will not have wifi with their computers. So, as far as I am concerned, it is as though they are on the Dark Side of the Moon.
If any of you have ever watched the movie Apollo 13, at one point in the astronauts journey, their capsule has to swing around the far side of the moon that is permanently not facing the earth - also known as the dark side of the moon. This was the only point in their trip when the astronauts were not in continual contact with those in the NASA control room. And that is how I feel with the Team - that they are on the Dark Side of the Moon and I have no way of being in contact with them.
And then I remembered prayer. By praying, I could bind myself spiritually to them, pray for them, and then trust God to assist them in whatever needs they might have - whatever His will may be for them at that time.
I decided to pray, slowly and silently one Angelus for each member of the Team. 5 Angelus prayers - offered one after another.
In case you are not familiar with the Angelus, here is the prayer:
The Angel of the Lord declared unto Mary:, And she conceived by the Holy Spirit...
And then I remembered prayer. By praying, I could bind myself spiritually to them, pray for them, and then trust God to assist them in whatever needs they might have - whatever His will may be for them at that time.
I decided to pray, slowly and silently one Angelus for each member of the Team. 5 Angelus prayers - offered one after another.
In case you are not familiar with the Angelus, here is the prayer:
The Angel of the Lord declared unto Mary:, And she conceived by the Holy Spirit...
Hail Mary, full of grace...
Behold the Handmaiden of the Lord. Be it done unto me according to your Word...
Hail Mary, full of grace...
And the Word was made flesh. And dwelt amongst us...
Hail Mary, full of grace...
Pray for us, O Holy Mother of God, that we may be made worthy of the promises of Christ...
Let Us Pray,
Pour fourth we beseech thee, O Lord, thy grace into our hearts. That we to whom the Incarnation of Christ, thy Son, was made known by the message of an Angel, may by His Passion and Cross, be brought to the glory of His Resurrection. Through the same, Christ Our Lord, Amen.
In the first part of the prayer, God comes and invites Mary through the appearance of the angel, Gabriel. In the second part of the prayer, Mary not only accepts, but she does so as God's humble handmaid. In the third part of the prayer, God gives us Jesus through her faithful cooperation.
Each member of the Team received an invitation from God to do His work in this Apostolate. Each member of the Team said "yes" and they are hopefully doing His Work as He has asked them to do. And, we know and trust that God will make Himself present to them through prayer, through the people that they will meet, work with and serve.
I know that they will try to get pictures or notes to me if they can. I will post whatever they send whenever I receive it. But, for now, as they are on "the Dark Side of the Moon", I will continue pray for them.
Thanks for all of your prayers for the Team.
Today, Wednesday, they are scheduled to meet with the African Team.
Tomorrow, after breakfast, they will set up the equipment and organize. Registration for pilgrims attending the Enthronement Mission begins at 2:00 pm.
Sacred Heart of Jesus, Have Mercy on Us...
Immaculate Heart of Mary, Pray for Us...
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