Friday, July 20, 2012

To Learn, To Grow and To Change


The one thing in my life that I cannot bear is to remain static.  

Each morning, one of the many things that I ask our dear Lord  to do is to help me to learn, to grow, and to change in whatever way that I may need.

Yesterday Theresa, Judi, Shelly and I met with Lisa at her home.  We reviewed the details of the upcoming mission and watched a slideshow of  Lisa's two previous trips to Africa with Father William.  It was exciting to see some of the places that we will visit as well as some of the people that we will meet.

We also spoke about all of the Enthronement materials that we will bring: Images of the Sacred Heart of Jesus, accompanying Enthronement documents, Sacred Heart of Jesus bookmarks and Divine Mercy pencils.  We have ordered and will also bring gifts of medals with an engraved image of the Sacred Heart of Jesus on one side and the Immaculate Heart of Mary on the other side for many that will attend the mission.

It was an informative and inspiring meeting and we made plans to meet next week as well as several times over the next few weeks to make sure we are familiar with nuts and bolts of the details of the mission as well as Lisa's computer which has the powerpoint presentation that we will be using in some of the workshops for the mission.

After we finished meeting and Lisa was walking us to the door, we decided to take a picture of the four of us under Lisa's mantel.  Her mantel is a treasure trove of beautiful images, holy cards, medals and icons of our Lord, our Blessed Mother and many saints.  

This is one of the holy cards that is placed on the mantel and Judi asked Lisa about it:

Lisa told Judy that this was a holy card of one of the times that Our Lord Jesus appeared to St. Margaret Mary showing her His Sacred Heart.  Lisa suggested that we could all go the the Apostolate of the Enthronement of the Sacred Heart of Jesus website as it contains a plethera of information regarding anything you would want to know about the Enthronement of the Sacred Heart of Jesus:  What the Enthronement is, how the Enthronement is done, the origination of it, why do we do it, etc.  

I went to the website and LOVED it!  I plan on systematically exploring all the different parts of it as I want to know everything I can about it before we leave.

Here is an excerpt taken from the cover page of the website:

According to Cardinal Raymond L. Burke, “Devotion to the Sacred Heart of Jesus is a most effective means of living always in the company of our Lord Jesus whom we receive in Holy Communion. In other words, our devotion to the Sacred Heart of Jesus is an extended act of love for Him who shows us the greatest possible love by offering His Body and Blood for us in the Eucharistic Sacrifice. In His fourth apparition to St. Margaret Mary, our Lord revealed His Sacred Heart, declaring:
"Behold this Heart which has so loved men that it spared nothing, even going so far as to exhaust and consume Itself, to prove to them Its love.”
The center of devotion to the Sacred Heart of Jesus is the Enthronement of the image of the Sacred Heart in the home. By the Enthronement of the Sacred Heart, we link the tabernacle of our parish church to our home, inviting our Lord to be our constant and most intimate companion.  The Enthronement is a way of life. It means that Christ is King of our hearts, and we desire Him to be present with us always.

In other words, by the Enthronement we signify our desire to make our hearts and our homes holy, to sanctify our lives in every aspect. Father Mateo Crawley-Boevey, SS.CC (1875-1961), great apostle of the Enthronement of the Sacred Heart of Jesus, insisted on its official and social characteristics. The Enthronement is the outward expression of an interior commitment to submit one's whole life in obedience to Christ. It is social because it involves every member of the household in which we live and all our relationships with oth
ers, in and outside the home. Those who carry out the Enthronement always comment on the difference it makes in the relationships of family members with each other and in work, business, recreation and other relationships. 

Today, the Sacred Heart Apostolate is launching a global mission of bringing the “fire of God’s love” to the world.

It can be found by clicking on this address:

It is exciting to think that in only 8 and a half weeks we will be leaving for Africa.  Our trip is one that will provide a variety of new experiences: meeting new people, new cultures, new food, new everything!  All of these new experiences  will provide ample opportunities for each of us to Learn, to Grow and To Change!

Thank you so much for your prayers, encouragement and support for each of us and for the fruitfulness of this pilgrimage to Kenya. 

May God bless you in all that you are and all that you do.  May you continually live in the Love and the Heart of  our Jesus.

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