Friday, July 27, 2012

"WIP" ~ Works In Progress


One of my favorite hobbies (other than reading) is handwork:  quilting and primitive cross-stitch, knitting and crocheting.  I know!!  Boring, dull, yawn, yawn, yawn!  This is how it is for many people ...but to me, they are all joys in my life as they are all expressions of what is within me and are extremely gratifying and fulfilling.  

The difficult thing I find about these hobbies is that they are not easy.  They are time consuming and even when I get a little done I find that my work is not as I would desire it.  When piecing a quilt I find that more often than not my seams do not meet exactly as they should.  Or, I will cross stitch a whole row and I will be off by one stitch and then the whole piece is off-and I have to rip it all out and start again or I amend it by making it one less stitch than it should be.  This can drive me crazy though, because even if it really doesn't look as though as it is wrong or "off" when completed, I always remember that there is one less stitch then there should be.  And, because I don't have a lot of time to sit down and do them, many are incomplete, just waiting in my various baskets.  These are known as my  WIP's or WORKS IN PROGRESS.

Lisa, Judy, Theresa and I met yesterday again in anticipation of the work that we will be doing once we get to Nairobi.  As we were all reviewing and going through the outline of the mission, figuring out how to get to certain sites on Lisa's computer as well as setting up the projector, screen and speakers, I immediately thought:  OK,   W-I-P  - - this is another Work-In-Progress.  However, we will all do our best at being prepared in all that we can before we get there.    Like the hobbies, I know that we will probably make mistakes and we will not be perfect.  But, as long as we are able to Let the Work Be His and not let ourselves get in the way, then it will all come together in the way that will bear fruit as God desires it to be.

It is our job to take these WIP's or Works-In-Progress and from them hopefully, to learn, to grow, and to change and finally make them FW or Finished Works-all according to God's Will.

Statue of the Immaculate Heart of Mary that is carried during the Enthronement

Lisa and Theresa working away!

Judi at Work!


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