Monday, June 16, 2014

Pictures from Uganda!!!


I awoke this morning to find that I had received a wonderful text from Lisa during the night!  

She said:
"Love all the messages.  We haven't had Internet for a week and we are stopping at the local Internet Cafe that has wifi….thank you for all of the prayers - so many incredible blessings"

I popped onto FB and found that, in addition to the text, Lisa was able to post some pictures with accompanying text:

"The Bishop Emeritus of the diocese of Tororo Uganda and the Uganda Prolife Team under the diocese of Tororo ...what a powerful meeting we had this morning... thank you God and thank you Bishop Stika for all your support and prayers as we brought greetings to the bishop here...the two worlds came together in a powerful way thank you Bishop Stika and to all for all the prayers…"

"The Uganda team who has organized this pro-life conference has been phenomenal...we met with the Bishop Emeritus of the diocese today very fruitful meeting in so many ways!!!they plan to organize a conference under the Uganda bishops for next year please keep this dedicated group of committed and passionate Pro-Life youth leaders in your prayers…"

Here are some more pictures that Lisa posted of the Pro-Life Mission that she and Giannine presented:

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