Saturday, August 31, 2013

Prayers Requested


Dear Friends, 

Last week a nephew of one of the Team Members of the Enthronement of the Sacred Heart of Jesus Team passed-away due to a motor vehicle accident.  Please join me in praying for this nephew, his family, his extended family as well as his girlfriend.  

With Many Thanks,  
      With Love and In Christ, 


Thursday, August 22, 2013

Continued Prayers for the Team and the Pilgrims as the Mission Begins Today!

Dear Friends,

Before Lisa left, she sent me this updated schedule for their first week in Mombasa.  I decided to post this to the blog along with accompanying pictures taken from the Enthronement Mission from last year - September 2012 in Nairobi at the Shrine at the Sacred Hearts of Jesus and Mary.  

Please continue to remember the US Enthronement Team,  the Mombasa Enthronement Team, and the pilgrims attending the Mission in your prayers.

May God bless the Mission, 

- May all be filled with the Holy Spirit,

- May the Mission and the subsequent Enthronements of the Sacred Heart of Jesus 
bear much fruit in the lives of families of those that are attending,


- Let the Work Be His...


Monday, August 19
Leave Knoxville – 2:30pm (airport 11am)

Tuesday, August 20 – en route
Arrive Mombasa – 5:20am (Aug 21)

Wednesday, August 21
Meeting with local committee

Thursday, August 22
Mission of the Sacred Heart begins
Set-up and organization following breakfast
Registration begins at 2pm

Lisa presenting the Mission last year in Nairobi

Friday, August 23

Taken at the Mission last September in Nairobi

Saturday, August 24
Rosa Mystica from Mission last September in Nairobi

Sunday, August 25
Enthronement Ceremony 
Community Enthronements in late afternoon

Entrance Procession in to the  Enthronement Mass in Nairobi Sept. 2012 

During the Enthronement Mass -  Nairobi  September 2012

Enthronement Mass - Nairobi Sept 2012

Sacred Heart of Jesus images for Enthronement Mass and Ceremony
Nairobi - Conclusion of Enthronement Mission, September 2012

Monday, August 26
Meetings/Visit sites in Mombasa

Tuesday, August 27
Travel to Tsavo National Park

Thank you God for this opportunity to serve you and others…

Your Kingdom Come…

“Sacred Heart of Jesus…I Trust in You”

Wednesday, August 21, 2013

The Dark Side of the Moon


I was taking my shower this morning and thinking about where the Enthronement Team (Lisa, Theresa, Judi, and Giannine) was right then.  I knew that if all went well with their flights, they should have arrived in Mombasa at 10:20 last night (our time); 5:20 am Mombasa time.  In leaving the airport, they would have to purchase an exit visa for each of them and then go through customs.  Father William and Pamella should be waiting for them just outside of the customs area and then they would work their way over to the baggage claim area to get all of those bags.  All this after traveling approximately 36 hours...

It is hard to know, really, where they are and if they were able to get to Mombasa as planned.  None of them will be using their phones and they will not have wifi with their computers.  So, as far as I am concerned, it is as though they are on the Dark Side of the Moon.

If any of you have ever watched the movie Apollo 13, at one point in the astronauts journey, their capsule has to swing around the far side of the moon that is permanently not facing the earth - also known as the dark side of the moon.  This was the only point in their trip when the astronauts were not in continual contact with those in the NASA control room.  And that is how I feel with the Team - that they are on the Dark Side of the Moon and I have no way of being in contact with them.

And then I remembered prayer.  By praying, I could bind myself spiritually to them, pray for them, and then trust God to assist them in whatever needs they might have - whatever His will may be for them at that time.

I decided to pray, slowly and silently one Angelus for each member of the Team.  5 Angelus prayers - offered one after another.

In case you are not familiar with the Angelus, here is the prayer:

The Angel of the Lord declared unto Mary:,  And she conceived by the Holy Spirit...

Hail Mary, full of grace...

Behold the Handmaiden of the Lord.  Be it done unto me according to your Word...

Hail Mary, full of grace...

And the Word was made flesh.   And dwelt amongst  us...

Hail Mary, full of grace...

Pray for us, O Holy Mother of God, that we may be made worthy of the promises of Christ...

Let Us Pray, 

Pour fourth we beseech thee, O Lord, thy grace into our hearts.  That we to whom the Incarnation of Christ, thy Son, was made known by the message of an Angel, may by His Passion and Cross, be brought to the glory of His Resurrection.  Through the same, Christ Our Lord, Amen.

In the first part of the prayer, God comes and invites Mary through the appearance of the angel, Gabriel.  In the second part of the prayer, Mary not only accepts, but she does so as God's humble handmaid.  In the third part of the prayer, God gives us Jesus through her faithful cooperation.

Each member of the Team received an invitation from God to do His work in this Apostolate.  Each member of the Team said "yes" and they are hopefully doing His Work as He has asked them to do.  And, we know and trust that God will make Himself present to them through prayer, through the people that they will meet, work with and serve.

I know that they will try to get pictures or notes to me if they can.  I will post whatever they send whenever I receive it.  But, for now, as they are on "the Dark Side of the Moon", I will continue pray for them.

Thanks for all of your prayers for the Team.

Today, Wednesday, they are scheduled to meet with the African Team.  

Tomorrow, after breakfast,  they will set up the equipment and organize.  Registration for pilgrims attending the Enthronement Mission begins at 2:00 pm.

Sacred Heart of Jesus, Have Mercy on Us...

Immaculate Heart of Mary, Pray for Us...

St. Joseph, Pray for Us...

Monday, August 19, 2013

Africa, Here They Come!


Dearest Friends, 

I had the wonderful gift of picking Lisa up, along with the many suitcases full of supplies, to bring them to the airport.  Lisa is so Lisa.  She is a person with a warm, affable, peaceful way about her but what a powerhouse she can be at the same time!  Anyone who knows her understands what I mean.  She is a natural leader but is also quite humble and easy-going.  When I arrived at her home, and I was a little early, I found her working on her computer doing last minute back-ups and drop-box work with Kristi - an instrumental person for the Enthronement Team.  We gathered all the bags and headed out immediately after the last minute work was done. 

Once we arrived at the airport, it was a whirlwind of activity - Kristi and I were filling out the name tags while Lisa, Theresa, Judi, Giannine and Shelly were working to make all of the suitcases work with the weight requirements.

When I left the Team, they were happy, excited, and looking forward to the adventure ahead.

Here is a short slide show of the mornings doings:

The Team flew from Knoxville to Washington DC.  While in DC, Lisa was able to forward this prayer to me that she had received from Gloria Anson, President of the Enthronement of the Sacred Heart of Jesus Apostolate:

We Have a Mission 

Lord Jesus, we are members of Your Body, the Church.  We believe that each one of us is sent on a mission to be the light of the world and the salt of the earth.  Each of us is called to bear witness to our faith and the Christian life.  Form us in Your Image.  Lead and guide us in this great mission.  May we always live in deep union with you, walking in Your footsteps.  Make us holy.  You told us not to be afraid and that You would always be with us.  Teach us that in Your Name we have a power for overcoming evil, a power that goes beyond that of Satan himself.  You promised to provide even the words we are to speak.  You even pledge signs and wonders: healing, new freedom for the oppressed.  May we be filled with Your burning love for souls by our concern, compassion and tenderness especially for the least and poorest.  May we live the Beatitudes and radiate that inner joy that comes from faith and true hope in You.  We believe this is the dawning of a radiant day that will bear a rich harvest.  We believe You are preparing a springtime for Your Church.  In this age, at this time we are Your disciples in the upper room with Mary praying in our midst.  Send forth Your Spirit.  Pour out Your Spirit on us.  Fill us with courage and boldness.  We are ready.  We are willing. Amen.

Blessed John Paul II

The Team are now somewhere over the ocean headed to Frankfort for their next connection.  If all goes as planned, they are expected to arrive in Mombasa at 5:20 am Mombasa time (August 21st).  

I am so happy and excited for them.  I hope, pray, and desire for them to have an easy and safe trip.  That they have fun together and are fruitful.  That all of their needs are met. That they are continually in the Love of the Sacred Heart of Jesus and the Immaculate Heart of Mary.  

And, lastly,  but most important - That they Let the Work Be His...


Sunday, August 18, 2013

Palanca for Lisa, Theresa, Judi and Giannine...


Several years ago I had the grace-filled opportunity to go on a special week-end retreat where I became familiar with the gift of Palanca.  Halfway through the retreat, I was given a small bag that contained little cards and notes from friends and people that I was familiar with as well as those that I did not know.  The cards and notes had words full of love and encouragement as well as prayers and sacrifices that were being offered on behalf of my retreat.  The Palanca given to me was nothing short of an amazing gift-one that allowed me to have a very spiritually-rich, grace-filled experience of God.  It was a retreat that I would never forget.

I thought about how wonderful it would be to offer Palanca for the Team as well as for the pilgrims attending the Mission.  I understand that they could expect to have as many as 1000 pilgrims attending each mission!  I consider my daughter, Kristin, to be something of a Spanish expert as she had spanish for so many years in school.  When I asked Kristin if the word Palanca in Spanish was translated to the word Prayer in English, she said: "No"!  I was surprised by that, so I looked it up.  I was more surprised, and pleasantly, I might add when I found the correct translation for it:

What is Palanca?

"Palanca is a Spanish word that means "lever".  Just as a lever enables a person to move something, which is beyond normal strength, Palanca empowers the accomplishments of things which would not be possible without the Grace of God." 
(taken from

That was perfect!  Just what we need!  Palanca, which are specific prayers and sacrifices offered for:

-Lisa, Theresa, Judi and Giannine as they begin their travel tomorrow...

-For those organizing and preparing for the Missions in Mombasa and Uganda...

-For the upcoming Missions...

     -That all of the needs of the US Team and pilgrims attending will be met...

     -That all of the equipment will function as it should...

     -That a spirit of Love, Peace, Joy, and Unity flow throughout the entire trip for the US Team, the African Enthronement Team and the Pilgrims attending the Missions...

     -That the Enthronement of the Sacred Heart of Jesus Missions both in Mombasa and Uganda will be fruitful for all...

If you would like to offer some Palanca in the form of words of encouragement, support, love, or specific prayers, please leave a comment on this blog site for the team.  Or you are welcome to email them to me at and I will forward your post on to the Team for their perusal.

As always, I am grateful for the support, love, and encouragement for the Team, the upcoming Missions and this blog.

Sacred Heart of Jesus, Have Mercy on Us...

Rosa Mystica, Pray for Us...

St. Joseph, Pray for Us...

St. Raphael, Pray for Us...

Friday, August 16, 2013

"All Our Bags Are Packed and We Are Ready to Go..."


It was nothing short of a gift and blessing to meet with the Team last week as they met one last time before they begin their pilgrimage and work in Africa.  Each of them exuded a quiet peace and joy about the upcoming trip that was lovely to see and be a part of.  It was palpable and wonderful to witness...




The Team leaves this Monday, August 19th, in the afternoon.  

The travel is long - -they fly from...

     -Knoxville to Washington DC, 
                -Washinton DC to Germany, 
                               -Germany to Ethiopia, 
                                      -and Ethiopia to Mombasa.

One of the suitcases packed with supplies and ready to go!

Any and all prayers offered for each of them and for the Mission are very much appreciated.  

Sacred Heart of Jesus, 
      Pray for us...

Rosa Mystica, 
      Pray for us...

St. Raphael, 
                         Pray for us...

Glorious Archangel St. Raphael, great prince of the heavenly court, you are illustrious for your gifts of wisdom and grace. You are a guide of those who journey by land or sea or air, consoler of the afflicted, and refuge of sinners.

I beg you, assist me in all my needs and in all the sufferings of this life, as once you helped the young Tobias on his travels. Because you are the "medicine of God" I humbly pray you to heal the many infirmities of my soul and the ills that afflict my body. I especially ask of you the favor (here mention your special intention), and the great grace of purity to prepare me to be the temple of the Holy Spirit. Amen.

Tuesday, August 6, 2013




My favorite word of the English language is Love.  Well, actually it is a close second to my absolute very favorite WORD, Jesus.  And the interesting thing about that is that  God  IS  Love;  Deus Caritas Est.

Everyone loves to be loved.  And Jesus is all about Love.

On the Feast of the Sacred Heart of Jesus, June 7th, we were able to celebrate Love in a special way.  Lisa, Theresa, Judi, Giannine and I attended a special Mass at All Saints Catholic Church.  Father William Oruko, the Spiritual Leader of our Enthronement of the Sacred Heart of Jesus Mission Team, celebrated the Mass and Father John Apia concelebrated.  Father William had a very beautiful homily about the Love that Jesus has for each of us.

Immediately following the Mass, Father William placed the Blessed Sacrament on the Altar for Adoration.  Father William then asked the Enthronement Team to come up and stand in front of the Altar to consecrate the upcoming Enthronement Missions in Mombasa and Uganda as well as all future Enthronement Missions to the Sacred Heart of Jesus and the Immaculate Heart of Mary.  Although I am not traveling with the Team to Africa this year, I was honored to join them as we  prayed the Consecration Prayer together.

Before we left the church, we decided to take a new group picture for the blog profile to replace the one that is presently posted.  We took two pictures without a flash and then two more with the flash on.  After the pictures were taken, we looked at each one to decide which one we wanted for the blog picture.  Much to our great surprise, wonder,  and joy all of the pictures had a large yellow heart reflected on the wall behind us – and it was not subtle.  All of the pictures have the yellow heart – those taken with the flash as well as those that were taken without the flash!  The processional Crucifix sits in the center of the heart and we are all encompassed within the heart.  Giannine pointed out that the  Apostles of Jesus Religious Order, Father William's Order,  uses the color of yellow to represent their order. 

 It is important that I mention that a vital member of our team, Pamela Angawa, was missing from our new profile picture because she lives in Kenya.  We love Pamela and are very grateful for all of the work that she does to assist this Apostolate.  And I miss her!

This is a picture of Lisa and Pamella:

How precious and loving is our Lord – that He would give us a visual sign of how He holds each one of us in His loving and bountiful Heart.

God is Good…All the Time!  All the time, God is good!

Once again, thank you very much for all of you for your support, prayers and encouragement as we head into a new chapter in spreading the Love of Jesus through the Enthronement Apostolate both here in the United States as well in the upcoming pilgrimage to Mombasa and Uganda.  

Father William, Lisa, Theresa, Judi and Giannine begin their travel to Africa in only two weeks.  Please remember them especially in your prayers as they prepare for this pilgrimage that will honor and glorify Jesus.

Sacred Heart of Jesus, pray for us…

     Rosa Mystica, pray for us…

***A special thank you to a special friend that is part of our team as well, Mary Margaret.  Thank you for taking such lovely pictures of us.  We are grateful for your support and friendship.