Tuesday, August 6, 2013




My favorite word of the English language is Love.  Well, actually it is a close second to my absolute very favorite WORD, Jesus.  And the interesting thing about that is that  God  IS  Love;  Deus Caritas Est.

Everyone loves to be loved.  And Jesus is all about Love.

On the Feast of the Sacred Heart of Jesus, June 7th, we were able to celebrate Love in a special way.  Lisa, Theresa, Judi, Giannine and I attended a special Mass at All Saints Catholic Church.  Father William Oruko, the Spiritual Leader of our Enthronement of the Sacred Heart of Jesus Mission Team, celebrated the Mass and Father John Apia concelebrated.  Father William had a very beautiful homily about the Love that Jesus has for each of us.

Immediately following the Mass, Father William placed the Blessed Sacrament on the Altar for Adoration.  Father William then asked the Enthronement Team to come up and stand in front of the Altar to consecrate the upcoming Enthronement Missions in Mombasa and Uganda as well as all future Enthronement Missions to the Sacred Heart of Jesus and the Immaculate Heart of Mary.  Although I am not traveling with the Team to Africa this year, I was honored to join them as we  prayed the Consecration Prayer together.

Before we left the church, we decided to take a new group picture for the blog profile to replace the one that is presently posted.  We took two pictures without a flash and then two more with the flash on.  After the pictures were taken, we looked at each one to decide which one we wanted for the blog picture.  Much to our great surprise, wonder,  and joy all of the pictures had a large yellow heart reflected on the wall behind us – and it was not subtle.  All of the pictures have the yellow heart – those taken with the flash as well as those that were taken without the flash!  The processional Crucifix sits in the center of the heart and we are all encompassed within the heart.  Giannine pointed out that the  Apostles of Jesus Religious Order, Father William's Order,  uses the color of yellow to represent their order. 

 It is important that I mention that a vital member of our team, Pamela Angawa, was missing from our new profile picture because she lives in Kenya.  We love Pamela and are very grateful for all of the work that she does to assist this Apostolate.  And I miss her!

This is a picture of Lisa and Pamella:

How precious and loving is our Lord – that He would give us a visual sign of how He holds each one of us in His loving and bountiful Heart.

God is Good…All the Time!  All the time, God is good!

Once again, thank you very much for all of you for your support, prayers and encouragement as we head into a new chapter in spreading the Love of Jesus through the Enthronement Apostolate both here in the United States as well in the upcoming pilgrimage to Mombasa and Uganda.  

Father William, Lisa, Theresa, Judi and Giannine begin their travel to Africa in only two weeks.  Please remember them especially in your prayers as they prepare for this pilgrimage that will honor and glorify Jesus.

Sacred Heart of Jesus, pray for us…

     Rosa Mystica, pray for us…

***A special thank you to a special friend that is part of our team as well, Mary Margaret.  Thank you for taking such lovely pictures of us.  We are grateful for your support and friendship.

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