Tuesday, October 16, 2012

Begininning the Work that Is His...


It is on this Feast of St. Margaret Mary that we come with hearts full of gratitude and thanks for the gifts and blessings of God through His most Sacred Heart.

We could never have imagined all that God had in store for this Mission when Father William first asked that we go and share the message of the Sacred Heart of Jesus through the Enthronement, but God knew...

We went in total abandonment as Blessed Mother Teresa would say and her words were ever in our minds and in our hearts...both sides of the ocean were unsure and even at times perhaps fearful, interiorly asking the question:  "Is this really what You want?"  Prayers were being sent up from all around the world through the blog, the Consecration prayer, the Novena to the Rosa Mystica, and more.   The answer kept repeating itself through various ways...and we knew that God wanted this.  And so, with the prayers of the people here in the States as well as the prayers from all over - we continued to move forward in faith and trust, knowing that we were called to live in total obedience to do what was in front of us with love and to Let the Work Be His...

As Mary has said through the words of Theresa, we thought that the messages of what was happening would come from Africa each day, but God had other plans...to live and to be in the present moment for all of us, those in Africa and those who waited and prayed from a distance.

He knew the timing and, today, October 16th, the Feast of St. Margaret Mary Alacoque, to whom Jesus appeared and showed her His Sacred Heart, comes the first of the Journey that we are all on together...to spread His Love and His Mercy and His Heart to all we meet and to be a Light to the World.

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