Saturday, October 20, 2012

God is Good...All the Time


God is good...all the time.  A statement of fact that was stated quite frequently throughout the day while at the Enthronement Mission at the Shrine of the Sacred Hearts of Jesus and Mary in Nairobi.

When you are watching all of the videos that we will put together and place on the blog over the next few weeks, please try to keep the following thoughts and impressions in mind.  It is easy to put pictures and video's together (well...somewhat easy) but it is hard to put what is in-between - - kind of like reading between the lines.  What was most evident to all of us was the love and spirit of the people...and that truly came from both those that were there with us at the Mission as well as those that were there with us in Spirit...what took place happened because of the work of the Holy Spirit and because of the many prayers of those who traveled with us in their heart.

So for those here in the States and those in Kenya and beyond, here is a glimpse of the grace of God:

...Everyone that we met were full of joy, friendly, easy to be with, warm and hospitable, patient and kind...sounds like the fruits of the Holy Spirit!

Theresa with Pamela, the Kenyan part of our Enthronement Team, SO warm, fun, gracious - a Kindred Spirit
Pilgrims from the Mission

...Those in Kenya have a rich and vibrant life of community.  Family and friends live, work, pray and share - Community is just a continuous and necessary part of their lives.  And it was such a blessing to be a included as part of it for the two weeks that we were there.

People walking are very much a part of the Kenyan landscape...a time of reflecting...

...The people sing.  They sing and move and dance - giving glory to God with a joy as one could only imagine King David having while he danced for our Lord.

...The pilgrims that attended the mission thirsted for Jesus - which was evident in their prayer, their devotions, and their desire for all that was offered with regard to all of the catechesis involving the Enthronement of the Sacred Heart of Jesus.

Most of the pilgrims took notes during the catechesis part of the presentation.

...The women dress in beautiful, vibrant colorful fabrics in dresses and skirts.  Many men wore jackets-similar to suit or sport jackets.  Their dress reflected their love, devotion, respect and reverence for Jesus.  It was so evident in who they were as a people - both on the inside and outside.

A pilgrim praying and loving Jesus in the Underground Stations of the Cross...
Where hundreds of people slept over the course of three days.

We have so much to be thankful for and so much to share.  And it is quite evident throughout all of our experiences in Kenya both personally and with those that we met that God is indeed very, very good...All of the time.  And we are, as all of His children are, so grateful to be on this journey together.

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