Tuesday, October 30, 2012

Celebrating the Eucharist as we Entrust the Mission to Our Blessed Mother


"Come, let us sing to the Lord 
and shout with joy to the Rock who saves us.
Let us approach Him with praise and thanksgiving
And sing joyful songs to the Lord..."
(Psalm 95)

As I was driving home from Mass this morning, I could not help but think of psalm 95 as I was driving along.  The trees here in Knoxville are at their highest peak of fall color.  They inspire one to think of and praise God- they are so, so beautiful.  And, as those thoughts were stirring in my mind, I began thinking about the friends that we had met and shared such wonderful times with while we were in Africa.  

Yesterday, Theresa and I met with Lisa at her home to work on more of the video that we had taken from the trip - specifically for the Mass as we Entrusted the Mission to our Blessed Mother.  I noticed that all or most of the people sang during Mass - the pilgrims' singing was so beautiful - so from their hearts - in a joyful expression of love and praise for our loving Jesus and his Mother, Mary.  

And, as we continued reviewing, editing and choosing parts of video clips for the blog, we realized that in the song that was sung at the end of the Mass, all of the people were singing and repeating the same word over and over in the song.  The word was "Asante"  and that was one word in Swahili that we became quite familiar with - it is the word for Thank you.

Those that participated in the mission did not need to see the fall colors in East Tennessee to inspire them to spontaneously pray psalm 95 as I did - they just lived  that beginning portion of psalm 95 while they were at the mission which was so evident in their singing, in their praying and in all of their smiles.

May all of us move forward in one heart and one spirit continually praising and singing joyfully to Our Lord...


  1. Thanks for the link to this blog, Lisa.
    A great way to follow you on this mission.


  2. Thanks for the link to this blog, Lisa. A great way to follow you on this mission.
